Friday, March 12, 2010

Oscars acceptance speeches keep audiences tuned in

It’s easy to forget where the people who walk to red carpet come from when the flash of the paparazzi’s camera or an elaborate stage construction lends the distraction. All movie stars have a story of how they got to where they are now and who helped along the way. For Best Actor and Actress at the 82nd Annual Academy Awards, Jeff Bridges and Sandra Bullock, it was the people who raised them.

Bridges, who won the award for his role as self-destructive country singer Bad Blake in “Crazy Heart”, said his dad would sit him on his bed at night and teach him the basics of acting. His parents’ love for show biz is what brought the remarkable actor his first Academy Award. He said the award honored them as much as it did him
Sandra Bullock, who earned her first Academy Award nomination and Best Actress win for her role as Leigh Anne Tuohy in “The Blind Side”, recognized all of the mothers who provide unconditional love for their children, no matter where they come from.

In the film, Bullock plays a mother who doesn’t care that the child she takes as her own comes from the dirty streets of Memphis with nothing but a brown bag with spare clothes in his hands. She helps him transform his life and succeed in football, which is his ticket to a meaningful future.

In the past decade, before the premier of “The Blind Side” in 2009, Bullock was stuck acting in romantic comedies that didn’t do her acting any justice. Her role as Jean Cabot in 2004’s “Crash” was the last time since her Oscar win that Bullock showed she has real talent as a dramatic actress, talent that she hid from Hollywood in movies like “All About Steve”, “Two Weeks Notice” and “Miss Congeniality.”

In “Crash”, Bullock plays a woman who becomes isolated from everyone around her because of her intolerable racial prejudices. And even though Leigh Anne Tuohy couldn’t be far from Jean Cabot, Bullock put the same amount of passion into “The Blind Side.” And finally she’s being recognized for it.

So it’s no surprise that she would take the time in her acceptance speech to thank the Tuohy family for giving her the opportunity to do something different. Maybe now she’ll learn to stay away from those roles that have kept her out of the running for an Oscar her entire career.

Movie stars didn’t make it to where they are alone; there’s always somebody to thank, even if their gratitude doesn’t extend to family or relatives. And that’s why acceptance speeches are some of the most important moments of the Academy Awards.

Winner for Best Supporting Actor, Christoph Waltz, who played the wicked Jew hunter in “Inglourious Basterds”, thanked director Quentin Tarantino for reeling him into his film when he was looking elsewhere.

And even Kathryn Bigelow, who made Oscar history as the first female to win Best Director for “The Hurt Locker”, owed it all to Screenwriter Mark Boal, “who risked his life for the words on the page.”

At an event that felt more like an awkward comedy routine with some dance sequences mixed in instead of an awards show, the thank you’s of the night were the most worthwhile part.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Final Piece Pitch (revised)

My final piece will be slightly different from what I previously pitched. I still maintain that America loves stereotypes, and that stereotypes sell because it’s what the networks want. However, I will argue that we may be coming to an age where stereotypes on television are being shattered, and television shows, like “Glee”, are shattering those illusions that stereotypes exist.

My primary source will still be “Glee,” the show about a high school glee club. “Glee” is saturated with stereotypes of every sort: the football player, the cheerleader, the physically disabled, the homosexual, etc. However, instead of using "Glee" as my example in favor of the argument that America loves stereotypes, it will instead argue the opposite.

I decided to take on a different critical edge because I changed how I feel about this television show. “Glee” indeed uses stereotypes and they make the show entertaining to watch, but I don’t believe that “Glee” is perpetuating those stereotypes. Look at the case of the pregnant cheerleader, or the nerdy girl played by Lea Michele. Michele is actually a beautiful actress with a beautiful voice, and she hasn’t been made to look the part of the stereotypical geek. Kurt, the gay member of the club, receives all sorts of criticism but he is strong-willed, confident, and knows someday he will be better than all those people who put him down. And the football player, Fin, is a jock who decides to pursue his passion for singing (does this remind you of anything? High School Musical perhaps...).

There are more examples from the show, and I will still use my previously listed examples in favor of the America loves stereotypes argument. I will talk about how “Glee” is the most recent example of this new development in popular culture, but stereotypes have already begun to shatter with other television shows, like “Ugly Betty”, so maybe “Glee” will change the way we look at stereotypes for good.

Flat Iron art show draws in large numbers, but ends in disappointment

The “Now You See It, Now You Don’t” art show that was supposed to culminate in a total destruction of the 40 Chicago artists’ murals that coated the walls of the three-story Flat Iron Arts Building in Wicker Park was an anticlimactic attempt to scam the public into forking over a $5 donation at what was listed as a free event. It was an attractive concept, but the public never got what they bargained, or paid, for.

Every first Friday of the month, the Flat Iron hosts a unique artistic event, which usually draws in huge crowds. Part of that reason, other than the attraction to the artwork itself, is because the Flat Iron has a reputation that precedes it. It’s now considered the artistic hub in Wicker Park and surrounding neighborhoods, but it wasn’t always that way.

According to artist William Eaton, the Flat Iron used to have a reputation for being “a craftsy place with a bunch of hippies doing junk,” when the building first emerged in the 1980s. A lot has changed; it’s not full of junk and most of the artists are far from the flower children that infiltrated the place two decades ago. And that’s because in the past couple of years, Flat Iron owner Bob Berger has upgraded the building and drawn in some serious artists. Not to mention the popularity of First Fridays.

On Friday, Feb. 5, 40 Chicago artists were given wall space and a limited palate to create a mural in the building’s hallways that would be painted over white at the end of the showing. The murals were one interlocked and never-ending work of art. It was a beautiful showcase of the talent of some unfortunately indecisive artists.

The other part of the night was a presentation of the artists’ personal galleries. Mediums ranged from sculpture and painting, to cartoon sketches and digital photography. The number of mediums used and variations in each was as large as the number of different personalities creating the art that night. Artist Scotie Cousin, whose wall mural was a silhouette of a man running against a blue and orange background, said the piece took him three weeks to complete. Cousin commented on his piece, “And I don’t know why.”

The murals and the artists’ personal galleries, which looked more like high-priced apartments than art studios, were on display from 6-10 p.m., and at 10 p.m. the artists were supposed to whitewash every inch of painted mural.

But it never happened. When asked when the show would begin, some female artists in black cocktail dresses said they weren’t dressed to paint. At 9:50 p.m., just minutes before the supposed destruction, Flat Iron President Kevin Lahvic, who conceived the idea, was wandering through the halls unsure of what to do. They were unprepared for the amount of people still in the building at 10 p.m., and didn’t want to paint when so many people were walking through the halls.

But the point of the show was for the public to witness the whitewashing of the walls, and the crowd had died down to half the size it was. And how could the Flat Iron be so unprepared for the number of attendees knowing that First Friday events always lure in massive crowds? If they weren’t prepared to handle the capacity, they shouldn’t have promised anything in the first place.

There didn’t seem to be an easy way to organize the art of 40 artists, who displayed radically dissimilar types of work. And if there was an easier way, the Flat Iron failed to execute that. The hallways were difficult to navigate and the amount of artwork in the building was overwhelming.

It was a shame their disorganization drew people away because for some of the newer Flat Iron residents, this was an opportunity to get their names to the public for the first time. But also because the Flat Iron has artistic significance that spreads throughout Chicago, so expectations were high.

This was one First Friday event that failed to meet the demands of the artistic community. Everyone in attendance was building up to the moment the artists would paint over their murals. Cousin said, “That’s part of the beauty; knowing it’s there and then it won’t be.” And for something the artists claimed to be so passionate and excited about, they didn’t seem concerned that nothing was happening when the clock struck ten.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Final Piece Pitch

In this piece I will write about the presence of stereotypes in current television shows whose target demographic is late teens/those in their early 20’s. The larger statement about American popular culture I will be making is that America loves stereotypes. Stereotypes sell, and that is why shows that profit from including stereotypes continue to saturate our television screens. I will also explore the history of TV stereotypes, and how older shows relate to current shows.

My primary source will be the show “Glee”, which made its début last year. “Glee” is a show about a high school Glee club, and the struggle the students involved in the club have faced, many of them ranging from teenage pregnancy to bullying. “Glee” will be my primary source because it’s a recent and an extremely successful show. Also because “Glee” incorporates just about every stereotype known to man: the geek, the football player, the cheerleader, the physically disabled, and more. It also includes a multitude of racial and weight-based stereotypes. It has been a highly controversial show.

Other examples of shows, new and old, include but are not limited to: Saved by the Bell, Gossip Girl, Greek, The Office, Ugly Betty, and Family Matters.

Stereotyping in television shows has been going on for years, but it has continued to be a driving force in American television shows, which is why the piece is relevant to popular culture today. Networks are continuing to profit from these series, which is what my examples will support.

I am the right person to write this piece because I watch (most of, but not all of) these television shows and I am within the targeted demographic.

Pauline Kael knew movies, at the very least (rewrite)

American film critic Pauline Kael expected a lot from the cinema. By the end of her 23-year tenure at the New Yorker, she was exhausted by all of the negative reviews she had given actors like Barbra Streisand—actors she believed had potential they weren’t displaying on screen. Movies that others loved, classic films like “It’s A Wonderful Life” and “The Sound of Music”, she slammed. She called Alain Resnais’s “Hiroshima Mon Amour” an advertisement selling peace, and admitted the audience, people who were “bowled over by it,” felt otherwise. In that same review she made it clear that she thought all American films were forms of advertisement selling some way of life.

In Will Brantley’s book, Conversations with Pauline Kael, Kael said she enjoyed writing reviews of bad movies that were universally praised and drew in globs of money. She wanted to tell people they were being scammed.

Any critic wants his or her voice to be heard, but Kael always thought about her audience. And that’s the cardinal role of all critics.

In Conversations, Kael claimed studios were satisfied with “utter conventionality” in movies because they were terrified of anything that didn’t satisfy the networks. But Kael wasn’t afraid of dissatisfying anyone. She didn’t view movies the way the mass audience did, which was reflected in her criticism of popular movies like “The Sound of Music,” which was in her opinion, “the sugar-coated lie people seem to want to eat.”

Kael admitted in Francis Davis’s book Afterglow that she enjoyed reading very few critics. One of those few was Andrew Sarris because he had genuine reactions to movies, and many critics don’t, in her opinion. She introduced ideas most people didn’t think to consider, because many of them weren’t accepted by the public at large. But the conversational tone she used in her reviews reflected her desire to write in a language the public could, and did, understand.

Film critic Sheila Benson, best known for her tenure at the Los Angeles Times from 1981-91, once heard someone say, “Pauline Kael has the shortest chute from her brain to her mouth of anyone I’ve ever heard speak.”

But Kael’s style, that conversational tone she infused in her writing that made it accessible to the average American, was criticized by many of her peers, including film critic Renata Adler.

In “House Critic,” Adler condemns Kael for her straightforwardness, and her “vain, overbearing, foolish, hysterical” voice that developed out of strong opinions of what Adler believes are unimportant subject matters. She complains about Kael’s quirks and tactics that have such dominance throughout her writing only to emphasize a unique style that is the very reason she altered 20th century criticism for the better.

In 1979, Kael took a leave of absence in reviewing to work with Warren Beatty in Hollywood as an executive consultant for Paramount Pictures, where she remained for only five months. Although her stay was short-lived, Kael had first-hand experience in film production and preparation. She experienced film on both ends of the spectrum. Kael made bold claims in her criticism, but she was never ignorant. If she hated a popular film, well, she had the authority to back those bold claims. And contrary to what Adler so brazenly declares in "House Critic", she certainly did know about movies.

Monday, February 15, 2010

So what she hated The Sound of Music

(Audience: New York Times)

Pauline Kael expected a lot from the cinema. Movies that others loved, epic films like “It’s A Wonderful Life” and “Hiroshima Mon Amour”, she slammed. By the end of her career, she was exhausted by all the negative reviews she had given actors like Barbra Streisand, actors she believed had potential they weren’t displaying on screen.

Kael had a style unmatched by any of her peers at the time. She didn’t view movies the way the mass audience did, which was reflected in her criticism of popular movies like “The Sound of Music.” But film was her passion, it was what she loved, and, contrary to what Renata Adler declares in “House Critic,” film was what she cared about. She dedicated twenty-three years of her life to film criticism at the New Yorker.

Kael was criticized for talking about everything but the movie in her reviews. Adler believes Kael was never satisfied, that she used rhetorical questions to show off what she knew, and that her vocabulary really only consisted of nine words, most of which were some derivative of her favorite slang terms. Adler especially despised Kael’s use of the “we”, “you”, “they”, “ought”. In formal analysis one is taught to leave the “I” and “we” out of it, there is a time and place for opinion, and it’s not in a formal essay. Kael indeed put a large chunk of personality into her reviews and broke all the rules.

The conversation of personality in criticism would be a heated one between Oscar Wilde and Adler. Adler denounces Kael’s tendency to use “you” when she refers to her personal opinion. No critic has the grounds to say what the audience should feel, or what they do feel, which Kael is guilty of. But what she created was beyond criticism; it was a form of art. In “The Critic as Artist,” Wilde says all criticism itself is an art, and with art, personality is inevitable.

Wilde was concerned with the realness and trueness of criticism, and believed the personal element made it richer, more satisfying and more convincing. And since what Kael created was in fact art, she hasn’t done anything wrong. Her work has served its purpose as a work of art, which is to provide pleasure to and stir an emotional reaction within the audience. Kael took a light-hearted movie like the “Sound of Music”, called it “the sugar-coated lie people seem to want to eat,” and unveiled a unique interpretation. The role of the critic is to discover a richer (or maybe just thought-provoking, in this case) meaning behind a work of art.

Kael revealed underlying messages that most people didn’t think to consider. In “The Critic as Artist,” Wilde says, “the function of literature is to create, from the rough material of actual existence, a new world that will be more marvelous, more enduring, and more true than the world that common eyes look upon.” And that’s what she did. Kael brought films to life in a new light, and into a world common eyes didn’t see. It was a radically different world from her peers, but she gave us rare insight to last a lifetime.

Monday, February 1, 2010

K College English Department shows its vulnerable side

Audience: The Index

Dr. Gail Griffin, Professor of English at Kalamazoo College, confessed to nearly 80 K students, “tonight we make ourselves vulnerable,” speaking on behalf of the Kalamazoo College English Department. Faculty members gathered in the Olmsted Room at 7 p.m. on January 27 to read short excerpts from personal works of poetry, non-fiction and fiction, and to “generate some light” during a dispiriting winter quarter, according to Griffin.

All department faculty members were present, with the exception of Amy Smith, Associate Professor of English, who is currently on sabbatical. The department welcomed two new members this year, Amy Rodgers, postdoctoral teaching fellow, and Beth Marzoni, both visiting instructors.

Griffin opened the event with a few words about the evening and introduced the first speaker, Dr. Andy Mozina, chair of the department, who read an excerpt from his fictional piece, “My Non-Sexual Affair.” Mozina drew laughs from the student crowd with a description of his non-sexual love affair with a woman named Linda, which he comes to realize is just a special friendship.

Marin Heinritz, Glenn Deutsch, Amelia Katanski, Babli Sinha, Bruce Mills and Amy Rodgers read excerpts from current works of non-fiction. Sinha's conference paper analyzing the role of Indian women in modern media and technology stood out among the other readings that were, in contrast to hers, very representative of her colleagues' personalities and experiences.

Deutsch read a piece about his vulgar father, Melvin, “wanting to be a red neck but being from Brooklyn,” as narrated by a 14 year-old Deutsch in 1969. Katanski spoke about her uncle’s life, which she connected to the four noble truths of Buddhism, and Heinritz read an excerpt from the coming-of-age memoir about her defeat of cancer at 17, highlighting her mother’s character with great expression.

Diane Seuss, the College’s writer-in-residence, read from her next collection, a response to an article in the New Yorker about William Burroughs called “I Dreamed I Met William Burroughs.” Seuss’s response, “It Wasn’t a Dream I Knew William Burroughs,” was a graphic and humorous illustration of porn and heroine, tuna fish sandwich cravings during pregnancy, and “condescending assholes” which served to expose her counter belief that Burroughs, an addict, was a poor influence on everyone including her boyfriend. She read a second piece called “Birthday Confessions”, written as a series of confessions to a priest, which drew chronic laughter from the audience.

Rodgers, a Shakespeare and film expert, comes to the College passionate to teach drama. She is currently working on a play about Robert Frost’s son Carol, who committed suicide in 1940. Marzoni’s work focuses on contemporary poetry and creative writing. Her poem, “Rothko’s Room”, was inspired by an exhibition by artist Mark Rothko at the Tate Modern Art Museum in London.

Griffin has been at work on a novel about the murder-suicide that occurred on campus ten years ago. She read from the last chapter which illustrates the aftermath of the deaths of students Maggie Wardle and Neenef Odah. Griffin’s desire to tell the story of their deaths extends beyond her novel; every October, Griffin joins Wardle’s family and K students in Stetson Chapel to reflect as a community.

Mills ended the event with a reading from a book of essays about his son Jacob’s autism, “An Archaeology of Yearning,” in which he explains his conflicting desires and the ability to fill gaps through language.

It’s not often K College professors have the opportunity to read personal works of literature for a group of 80 students to hear. This event served as a reminder that students aren’t the only ones who have a vulnerable side for others to see.