Monday, February 22, 2010

Final Piece Pitch

In this piece I will write about the presence of stereotypes in current television shows whose target demographic is late teens/those in their early 20’s. The larger statement about American popular culture I will be making is that America loves stereotypes. Stereotypes sell, and that is why shows that profit from including stereotypes continue to saturate our television screens. I will also explore the history of TV stereotypes, and how older shows relate to current shows.

My primary source will be the show “Glee”, which made its début last year. “Glee” is a show about a high school Glee club, and the struggle the students involved in the club have faced, many of them ranging from teenage pregnancy to bullying. “Glee” will be my primary source because it’s a recent and an extremely successful show. Also because “Glee” incorporates just about every stereotype known to man: the geek, the football player, the cheerleader, the physically disabled, and more. It also includes a multitude of racial and weight-based stereotypes. It has been a highly controversial show.

Other examples of shows, new and old, include but are not limited to: Saved by the Bell, Gossip Girl, Greek, The Office, Ugly Betty, and Family Matters.

Stereotyping in television shows has been going on for years, but it has continued to be a driving force in American television shows, which is why the piece is relevant to popular culture today. Networks are continuing to profit from these series, which is what my examples will support.

I am the right person to write this piece because I watch (most of, but not all of) these television shows and I am within the targeted demographic.


  1. This is a great pitch idea. It is interesting and somewhat scary that a country that greatly speaks out against stereotypes actually "loves" them. I think you are right in saying that "stereotypes sell," and it thought provoking as to why they do.
    I think "Glee" is a perfect show to focus on. I watch it, and I have been frequently surprised and appalled by the stereotypical comments many of the characters make and the way in which the show truly embraces stereotypes. I definitely agree with you when you say, "it incorporates just about every stereotype known to man."
    I am excited to read the final product, good luck!

  2. Great idea, Emily! Don't forget to make a statement in the piece about why/what it means that as a culture we love stereotypes . . . and connect that to the particular age demographic you're writing about (and perhaps for).

  3. This is a very interesting pitch and im looking forward to reading the final project. Another show you might want to look into is Secret Life of an American Teenager. There are a lot of stereotypes incorporated in that show as well.
